So, why does National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) even matter? If you’re part of the 1 in 8 couples affected by infertility like me and my husband, or 1 in 4 hurt by miscarriage and loss, then you understand why.
Getting Real With God
During the first year of trying to conceive, I was able to remain optimistic month after month while Jordan felt the disappointment intensely. I remember her crying at night, “What’s wrong with me?” , “Why can’t I get pregnant?” , “What’s wrong with my body?” I remember praying specifically, “God, whatever the issue is, please let it be me, not Jordan.” I didn’t want her to put the blame on herself. I didn’t want her to feel the pain of being the “cause” of infertility.
Proclaiming God's Goodness: Rebekah's Story
We had it all planned out. We would get pregnant in September, and have our baby in June, so my teacher-husband could have three months off with our newborn. It was a great plan. It just wasn’t God’s plan.
A Personal Journey Through Loss
The season of waiting, of loss, of grief, is such a difficult one. It is hard. We are never promised an easy life.
Hope Deferred
It doesn’t hit all at once . . . but seems to flow in wave after emotional wave. Despite what we’ve always heard, having babies doesn’t always follow effortlessly after love and marriage.
Infertility Awareness Week - Why It Matters
So why does Infertility Awareness Week even matter? You may be asking yourself this question and we are so thrilled to be able to share it with you this week.