Good Book: When God Says Wait

Waiting for a job, a husband, or a baby can often be painful and lonely. In When God Says Wait,  Elizabeth Laing Thompson tackles all the emotions that come when we are in a waiting season. She covers everything from anger, jealousy, fear, loneliness, and even joy!  

Each chapter highlights a biblical hero’s story of waiting and the truths we can find in each story. Well-known characters like Sarah, Hannah, David, and Mary the mother of Jesus are told in new ways, and some lesser-known heroes like Miriam, Naomi, and Martha are shared in a way that makes them feel like old friends. Elizabeth also explains how the biblical stories provided a roadmap for her to navigate her own waiting seasons. She shares her experiences waiting for a husband, a job, and babies in a way in a style that is authentic, relatable, and far from perfect.

This book gave me the tools to walk the hard journey of waiting without completely losing my mind. It’s not about just surviving my wait, but truly thriving in it. As Elizabeth says:

“... We do control one thing even while we are waiting; we control how we wait. I’m not saying it will be easy, but we get a choice. A choice in how we think. A choice in how we feel. A choice in how we act. A choice in how we spend time. A choice in who we become.”

Melissa Forster lives in Missouri with her husband, Dan, and their adorable gray cat named Leo. She loves Jesus with her whole heart and loves following Him to a place where her faith is without borders. Her favorite place to be is tucked in at home with copious amounts of coffee and a great book. Melissa and Dan have been struggling with delayed fertility for 10 years and have two precious babies in heaven. Melissa writes from her heart about her grief, joy, and who Jesus is in the midst of it all.

-Waiting in HOPE- Good Book: When God Says Wait