WiH Group Leader Application & Ministry Agreement
We are excited about your interest in starting a local Waiting in Hope support group in your area!
Please review all sections of the following Ministry Agreement and fill out the Leader Application completely. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by Waiting in Hope leadership and we will be contacting you shortly about the next steps. If a new WiH Local Group is approved, a Church Partner Agreement will also need to be completed by your local church sponsor as well. More details to follow.
Personal relationship with Jesus Christ and growing towards maturity in relationship with Jesus Christ, evidenced in godly character, behavior and attitudes, as expressed in Scripture.
Understand and agree with the statements and beliefs of Waiting in Hope as expressed in this ministry agreement.
Agree to at least a 2-year commitment to lead the local group, to be trained/led/equipped by the WiH National team and to be connected to the National Ministry as a whole.
Have a co-leader who will assist with leading the group and ministering to the group members.
Obtain a commitment from a local church partner that agrees to host and financially sponsor the local WiH group for a minimum of 2 years, and to help promote it through any marketing mediums available to them (church website, bulletins, email database, etc.)
The leaders’ lives uphold to the core beliefs of Waiting in Hope Ministries (see below).
Statement of Christian Character
Waiting in Hope (organization) is a community of like-minded Christian believers consisting of those who serve the mission of the organization as its representatives, including all of the directors, officers, employees, group leaders and volunteers of the organization, each of whom is an integral part of the community. The organization maintains this faith-based community as an exercise of its Christian beliefs and as an expression of these beliefs to the larger community. In addition, the organization subscribes to the Christian belief that all of its activities should express the organization’s beliefs and be rendered as a service to God. In short, both the mission of the organization and the association of its directors, officers, employees, group leaders and volunteers are an exercise and an expression of the organization’s Christian beliefs. Under God, Waiting in Hope embraces the following statements of faith, which we hold to be essential to our ministry, and which are the foundation upon which our ministry is based:
Statement of Faith
The Scriptures
We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself to man.
The Godhead
We believe that the eternal triune God reveals Himself to us in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, distinct in personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.
The Person and Work of Christ
We believe in the full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, who lived as a perfect example, who atoned for the sins of the world at the cross, who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father. We believe that salvation is found, by grace, only in placing one's faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and for right standing before God for eternity.
We believe that male and female were created in God’s image that He might have fellowship with us. We believe God has ordained and created marriage to exist between one man and one woman, with absolute marital fidelity.
The Sanctity of Life
We believe that life begins at conception (specifically, fertilization as opposed to implantation). Our creator is the only one who makes life and knits us together inside the womb. Thereby, we believe that all loss is valid and meaningful regardless of situation whether miscarriage (molar, ectopic, early or late), stillborn, infant death, etc. We know that within infertility our only true hope is found in Jesus Christ being enough and his Holy Spirit living inside of us. Even with the help of medicine and doctors, He is still sovereign over all.
Statement of Mission
Waiting in Hope exists with the purpose to encourage and embrace those struggling through the grief of difficulty conceiving, known as infertility, miscarriage, adoption or waiting through the process. We desire to be a hopeful infertility resource and guide through this tough season when one is often bombarded with negativity. Our goal is for the couple as a whole to not go through this journey alone.
Waiting in Hope is not solely a ministry of a particular church or denomination, but is a ministry to the entire community in partnership with local churches.
One of the requirements for launching a WiH local group is to obtain a commitment from a local church partner that agrees to host and financially sponsor the WiH local group for a minimum of 2 years. The fees are outlined in the Church Partnership Agreement but are also listed here for your reference.
Initial Startup Fee
Basic Startup Fee - $395
Includes curriculum for the year, leader guides, leadership training, logos, marketing materials for initial Launch Night event, and access to online support communities.OR
Full Group Sponsorship - $995 (funds all group financial needs for the entire year)
This includes the Basic Startup Fee (or Renewal Fee in subsequent years), while also funding a local ministry reimbursement account that can be used for additional expenses such as group members’ participant guides, couples dinners, snacks, bereavement, and/or partial scholarships to help send group members on the national Couples Retreat. A complete expense report for your group expense account will be available at the end of each year.
Annual Renewal of $195
Additional curriculum and leader guides for the next year will be made available upon renewal. This is the minimum amount required, however a full group sponsorship can be made again in order to fund the local group reimbursement account for the next year.Participant Guides may be purchased for group members prior to each study (Spring, Summer, Fall) for an additional $20-25 depending on the study. These may also be purchased individually by each member.
All fees are subject to change with prior written notice. This agreement does not guarantee pricing, although every effort will be made to minimize changes.
This WiH group exists as a part of the collective Waiting in Hope ministry. The leadership of this local WiH group is charged with and accepts the responsibility to minister to those experiencing the grief of infertility and to attempt to bring them one step closer to Jesus. Waiting in Hope makes available certain materials, live events, curriculum and support to assist the local leadership in their task. The training provided is not all-inclusive, although Waiting in Hope seeks advice from both licensed professional counselors and medical professionals.
It is agreed that the WiH name and logo, the Ministry Leader Kit, printed and online materials are owned solely and exclusively by Waiting in Hope Ministries. The WiH name and logo, the Ministry Leader Kit, printed and online materials can only be used while a current WiH Ministry Agreement is in place. Such use shall be confined solely to the publicity for and identification of activities sponsored by the WiH group except as specifically authorized in writing by WiH.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Waiting in Hope retains the sole exclusive right to create and publish official Waiting in Hope accounts within all current and future social media outlets, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat and others. No other social media accounts bearing the name or logo of Waiting in Hope may be created without the express written consent of the CEO of Waiting In Hope.
AUTHORIZED WiH LOGO USE: The WiH logo will be made available to group leaders and church partners. WiH groups may use the name and logo while a current Ministry Agreement is in place. Such use should be confined solely to the publicity for and identification of activities sponsored by the WiH group, except as specifically authorized in writing by WIH. Additional authorization is not needed for logo use when producing publicity and non-tangible materials like posters, fliers, banners, etc. Additional authorization IS required for logo use on “proprietary materials” that could be distributed or sold, including but not limited to the following items: clothing, handbooks, tote bags, pens, promotional items, stationery, etc. Any exception to this policy must be pre-arranged through the Waiting in Hope office by submitting a request to info@waitinginhopeinfertility.com. The logo should only be used as is, and not be altered in any artistic manner. Avoid distortions, embellishments or other modifications of the logo or word symbol. These change the character of the design and diminish the consistent image the organization strives to project.
Once this Application and Ministry Agreement is approved by Waiting in Hope, it becomes the Agreement applicable to the group. It is agreed that all representations and statements contained in or attached to this Agreement shall survive its approval. Once approved, this Agreement may only be modified by written agreement signed by the CEO of Waiting in Hope. The parties respective rights and obligations as set forth in this Ministry Agreement shall continue in full force and effect upon the renewal of the Ministry Agreement by Waiting in Hope, except to the extent that they are changed or modified by Waiting in Hope. If Agreement is breached and Waiting in Hope does not give notice of or seek to remedy this breach, this shall not prevent Waiting in Hope from subsequently acting upon that breach or another breach.